These caves already existed in the 11th century and for hundreds of years were used as warehouses and shelter by the inhabitants of the city of Nájera.

It is one of the main national caves groups both for the number and concentration of cavities and for their size, complexity and state of conversation.

In this virtual reality experience developed for the exhibition “Las Cuevas de Nájera” by Iralta VR, New Harmony, Raiz and Via Medio Ambiente y Cultura we have used the technique of photogrammetry to obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment through the process of recording, measuring and interpreting photographic images.

The user can walk and move in 6DOF (six degrees of freedom) thanks to the VR headset like Oculus Quest, within the optimized model and explore the cave and galleries in an interactive way.

This exhibition allows the public to visit the caves, as they are close to the public an aims to raise awareness and value to this rich heritage, that is part of our cultural identity. Knowing and understanding it will make us value it and keep it in good condition so that it can be enjoyed by future generations.

Financing: European Union (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development), Government of La Rioja, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, CEIP RUAL (European Centre for Information and Promotion of the Rural Environment).

Collaboration: ADR La Rioja Suroriental, Adra, Leader, Museo Najerillense, CSIC.