Video mapping version 9/16 Espacio Fundación Telefónica

You can now see the 9/16 version of the video mapping made for the inauguration of Espacio Fundación Telefónica in Madrid.

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Making-of of our latest work for the inauguration of Espacio Fundación Telefónica

Here you can see the making-of of our latest work done in collaboration with 3DScenica for EDT. A video mapping piece created for the inauguration of the new Espacio Fundación Telefónica.

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Premiere of the documentary The Ninth Day of Creation

Yesterday, Thursday, May 3, at 10:00 p.m., the documentary E9D: The Ninth Day of Creation premiered at the Círculo de Bellas Artes cinema. At last we were able to see the reactions of the public to our work, who also practically filled the room, on a rainy Thursday and collapsed by the football celebrations.

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Our tour documentaries

Our last two documentaries "The Ninth Day of Creation" and "Olvido" are touring different national and international festivals.

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Editing a video for Fundación Manantial

Fundación Manantial is a non-profit entity whose mission is the comprehensive care of people with a serious mental disorder.

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Preparing the Spot for Hair the musical

We have been recording the rehearsals and the premiere of the musical HAIR.

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Honors E9D

Our documentary The Ninth Day of Creation (E9D) continues its successful run at festivals on five continents.

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Akerbeltz at the Festivals

AKERBELTZ: THE WITCHES AND THE INQUISITOR, the animated short produced by Iralta Films, is doing very, very well, both at national and international festivals.

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360º installation

Iralta Films has been working hard, researching and developing the necessary technology to carry out 360º projections.

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The Ninth Day in Document.Art

"The Ninth Day of Creation" has been selected to participate in the international film festival "Document.Art" of Romania, which will be held between July 20 and 24 in Bucharest.

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