Cervantes VR Presentation

Did you miss the Cervantes VR presentation?

Don't worry…. Here is a summary of the day

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It is a piece of virtual reality in which we will discover the figure of Miguel de Cervantes; his time, his travels, his thoughts, his works and some of the mysteries that surround his life…

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The short film Still Shining, directed by the director of photography of Camino de Santiago 360º, Ramón Verdugo, and produced by Iralta Films, has won the Best Video Art award at the Castilla la Mancha International Film Festival…

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Camino360º is the winning app in the category "Destination Guide" in the contest “The App Tourism Awards 2016” held on January 21, 2016 during FEATURE in Madrid.

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‘Twist your world, turn your world around’, a different way of driving, of living differently. Because to turn things around is to understand that the world can be, many times, differently.

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This is our latest work done for La Despensa and Microsoft.
Two interconnected pieces with the premise: “Create Everywhere”
The first piece is a making of, of how two artists come together to create an artistic project, aided by the Surface Pro 3 technology.

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Camino de Santiago 360º

You can now see the trailer for Camino 360º

The launch of the series is scheduled for the end of January for IOS and later also for ANDROID.

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Patagonia Video 360º

We are working on the post-production and stitching of the Patagonia 360º video. We have shot with our 360º camera, incredible sunrises in the mountains, waterfalls and glaciers of the Torres del Paine National Park in Chile and the Los Glaciares National Park in Argentina.

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There have been many joys that "Akerbeltz: Las Brujas y el Inquisidor" has given us. During these three years, our animated short film has toured the world several times, and has garnered more than 20 national and international awards and has been selected for competition in more than 150 festivals.

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Alex O’Dogherty & the bizarre – MAKING OF – NO HUBO MANERA

To celebrate the more than 25,000 visits on YouTube to the video clip "No hay manera" by Alex O'Dogherty and La Bizarrería, here we leave you the Making Of, which has also been very beautiful...

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